Catherine E. Cardina, Ph.D.
Chair and Professor Caudell Hall 350BOffice: (716) 878-3218
Email: cardinac@buffalostate.edu
Catherine E. Cardina's profile
Jamie L. Brown
Head Softball Coach Houston Gym 235Phone: (716) 878-5425
Email: brownjl@buffalostate.edu
Autum A. Carter, MPH
Lecturer Caudell Hall 339Phone: (716) 878-6501
Email: carteraa@buffalostate.edu

Tina M. Colaizzo-Anas, Ph.D., RD-AP, CDN, CNSC, FAND
Associate Professor and Director, BS/MS, Dietetics Caudell Hall 341Phone: (716) 878-5818
Email: colaiztm@buffalostate.edu
Tina M. Colaizzo-Anas, Ph.D., RD-AP, CDN, CNSC, FAND's profile
Victoria Colotti
Asst W Soccer Coach/Health+Welln Houston Gym 228Phone: (716) 878-4099
Email: colottv@buffalostate.edu
Louis D. Dangelo Jr, M.S., MCHES
Lecturer Caudell Hall 334Phone: (716) 878-5913
Email: dangld79@buffalostate.edu

Alan M. Delmerico, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor and Lecturer Buckham Hall A100JPhone: (716) 878-5727
Email: delmeram@buffalostate.edu
Jacqueline E. Durfee, B.S.
Office Assistant 1 Caudell Hall 334BOffice: (716) 878-6501
Email: durfeeje@buffalostate.edu

Clemon George, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor Caudell Hall 343Office: (716) 878-5913
Email: georgec@buffalostate.edu
Clemon George's profile

Michele R. Goergen, M.S., RD
Lecturer Caudell Hall 334Phone: (716) 878-5913
Email: goergemr@buffalostate.edu
James G. Graczyk, M.S.Ed.
Lecturer Caudell Hall 334Office: (716) 878-5913
Email: graczyjg@buffalostate.edu

Elizabeth Hartz, MS, RDN, CDN
Lecturer Caudell Hall 345Phone: (716) 878-4333
Email: hartzea@buffalostate.edu
Elizabeth Hartz, MS, RDN, CDN's profile

Drew Hemler, MSc, RD, CDN, FAND
Lecturer & Advisor, Multidisciplinary Studies - Nutrition Track MS Program RemotePhone: (647) 675-8939
Email: hemlerdm@buffalostate.edu
Drew Hemler, MSc, RD, CDN, FAND's profile

Danielle E. King, PhD, RDN
Assistant Professor Caudell Hall 334Phone: (716) 878-5913
Email: kingde@buffalostate.edu
Brittany C. Kovacs, M.A.
Lecturer Caudell Hall 149Office: (716) 878-5913
Email: probstbc@buffalostate.edu
Jonathan F. Lindner, EdD, MCHES
Lecturer Buckham Hall A100JPhone: (716) 878-5727
Email: lindnejf@buffalostate.edu

Katherine B. Manis, MS, RD-AP, CDN, CNSC
Lecturer Caudell Hall 337Phone: (716) 878-5634
Email: maniskb@buffalostate.edu
Katherine B. Manis, MS, RD-AP, CDN, CNSC's profile
Gregory Margolis
Head Women's Soccer Coach Houston Gym 234Phone: (716) 878-3816
Email: margolg@buffalostate.edu
Christian P. Ozolins
Asst Dir and Completion Coach Houston Gym 244Phone: (716) 878-3679
Email: ozolincp@buffalostate.edu

Leah M. Panek-Shirley, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Caudell Hall 319Phone: (716) 878-5664
Email: panekslm@buffalostate.edu
Leah M. Panek-Shirley, Ph.D.'s profile